May 13, 2020

The SSK (which stands for “Slip, Slip, Knit”) is a left-leaning decrease stitch. It is worked across two stitches from the left needle and forms a single stitch on the right, decreasing by one. For a right-leaning decrease, see k2tog.

  1. Slip the next two stitches on the needle, knitwise.
  2. Insert the tip of the left needle through the front of both of the slipped stitches, so that it crosses over the right needle.
  3. Complete a knit stitch by wrapping the yarn around the right needle and pulling through both stitches.

You may have noticed that in step 2, when you insert the left needle through the slipped stitches on the right needle, you find yourself in the same needle position as a k2tog: right needle crossed behind left, passing through two stitches. The magic here comes from having first slipped the two stitches knitwise. This twists the stitches on the needle and causes the resulting stitch to lean left.

Close-up of an SSK circled in red, with arrows indicating the two stitch columns feeding into the SSK and the single resulting column. If you look closely, you can see that the stitch leans to the left.
Tip for a neater looking SSK:
When knitting the next row, work as normal until you get to the SSK. Work this stitch through the back loop.